Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today marks 1 month until MLO turns 1. As this milestone approaches I've been toying with the idea of throwing a birthday party. I recall that several months ago I listened to two mothers discussing plans for their little ones' first birthday parties. At the time it seemed strange: sending out invitations, baking a cake, finding a place to have the party. I felt like some big party in honor of a 1 year old was somehow over indulgent and was really more a chance for the parents to show off than for their child. I mean, the kid is turning 1. He isn't even talking yet. He isn't going to get it. The fancy invitations and elaborate themed decorations only serve to show how much money you can blow.

As our own baby has grown, my view of the 1st birthday party has softened. As a friend of mine pointed out, this milestone is about the parents, too. Having a party in honor of our first year as parents is legitimate. We've worked really hard, harder than we've ever worked before. I sacrificed my body's autonomy, we've sacrificed sleep, sanity, togetherness as a couple, patience, evenings out, weekends away. We've depended on (and sometimes barely tolerated) the support and advice of our friends and families. Our lives have changed in innumerable ways, and we've come out stronger because of it. Hubby and I had never before known such joy. So I think a party is in order. Maybe not with fancy invitations and decorations. I can't afford that. No, I think a potluck lunch in the backyard with all those people that have helped us out is the way to go. I want to bring the people together that love our little family. I want to celebrate our first year as parents, our son's first year of life, and all the people that have supported us through this monumental change.

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