Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Surprises

There were many things I didn't expect when MLO was born. Here are a few I thought worth sharing:
  1. Newborns/infants are incredibly noisy when they sleep. They snort and squeak all night long. Don't let it freak you out.
  2. People weren't speaking figuratively when they said that the first few months of your child's life you act like a crazy person. Sleep deprivation is a serious business and it takes its toll.
  3. The 5 S's saved my life: swaddle, shoosh, side-lay, suck (not you, the baby- on a pacifier) and shimmy.
  4. Newborns can take up to an hour to nurse. At first it can seem like all you do is feed your baby. The length of time you nurse coupled with the frequent feedings can really cut down on your sleep. If you can sleep-nurse at the beginning, do it. If you are interested in doing that but afraid of rolling on baby, check out a co-sleeper.
  5. People you hardly know are happy for you, new life just brings the best out in people. You will probably end up with lots of gifts, and since some of these gift-givers don't know you well you may end up with things that aren't your taste. In that case, remember that someone chose that item for you with the idea of supporting you and celebrating your little one. To honor that kindness, be gracious and find a place for it. If you can't or won't use it, donate it.
  6. Consumer Reports and are invaluable, but not all informative.
  7. The first couple of months without a real smile are tough. You sacrifice sleep, fun, and sanity for your baby and the most you get is not crying. Once your little one smiles on purpose, you know the true meaning of joy.
I'm sure there are others, but these have been rattling around in my brain for a while and I can't think of anything else off the bat. Speaking of bat, go Giants. Game one? Check.

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