Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Litany of Adorable Things

I often feel that my accounting of MLO's cuteness becomes weary to those upon which I inflict the descriptions. For those that care to know, here is a list of his most precious actions occurring in the weeks since he turned 1:
  •  He has really begun to interact with the bath. After transitioning him to the "big kid's bathtub" he has taken to splashing emphatically while giggling hysterical, spontaneously dunking his face and waving goodbye to the bathwater as it slips down the drain. Freaking cute.
  • MLO waves to everyone. I catch him waving at the dogs, complete strangers, the garbage truck and even to the sound of someone starting up their car and driving away.
  • MLO produces animal sounds on command. Dog, cat, lion, elephant, monkey, gorilla, and owl.
  • He walks.
  • He shows affection. When our dog, Snoopy, allows MLO to get close enough to pet, the kid gently pats the dog's back. He also gently shoves his head into the dog while making a noise akin to a dog whine.When I ask for kisses I make the kissing sound MLO first learned as the "come" command for Snoopy, and my son lowers his head and gently butts it into my face making the whining sound. It's pretty damn sweet.
  • He babbles and points incessantly. When I go get him after a nap he will slip out of my reach, sit squarely on his mattress and point at the pictures printed on his sheets. I go through each picture with him, saying the word and sometimes the color until he seems satisfied that he has it down. Then he allows me to pick him up.  
That's all that comes to mind at present. I hope it was as enjoyable to read as it was to recount.

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