I have taken far too long to check in with you guys so I apologize.
MLO has begun to explore speech. At 11 or so months old he started to refer specifically to Mama and Dada and he knew certain words like Numma (food), Dog, and his name. It seemed that in the weeks following his first birthday he has really grasped the concept of spoken language. He points at things and says Adada and Dana emphatically. He has started pointing at things he wants and then pointing at himself. He is exploring all sorts of sounds, some of them derived from the alphabet, and some of them clicks, slurps and raspberry sounds. He enjoys participating in adult conversation, making eye contact and noise while grown-ups are speaking to each other.
He has also begun the transition to walking. He has worked himself up to four feet of travel on his two feet, sometimes ending in a thump to the ground and less often ending in a deliberate stop and sit. He uses all manner of props to help him stand, though every day he gets better at moving from a squatting to standing position sans help. Watching him try to walk is incredibly amusing. He giggles with a huge grin on his face while teetering along. His steps are a repetition of barely controlled mayhem: his nerves firing and muscles moving in ways he hasn't experienced before. I can see when he has decided to walk from point 'A' to point 'B', as a look of determination and excitement comes across his face and he pauses to take stalk of the situation. Then he launches himself with a squeal and giggles until he either falls or reaches his destination. Seriously, watching the little monkey try to walk is great entertainment.
He does well with solid foods. There are a couple of things he still prefers in a puree and the evening remains the worst time to introduce anything new. We have cut down on nursing to only once a day, so he gets whole cows milk to drink and to moisten his oat meal. He essentially feeds himself lunch. I made some whole wheat low sugar muffins for him that I crumble and he enjoys that with some shredded apple, cheerios and cheese sticks. That has opened up much welcomed time for me to get some work done in the kitchen.
The thing that strikes me the most lately is how incredibly different things are now compared to a year ago. So short a time has passed for so much growth and development to occur.
MLO has begun to explore speech. At 11 or so months old he started to refer specifically to Mama and Dada and he knew certain words like Numma (food), Dog, and his name. It seemed that in the weeks following his first birthday he has really grasped the concept of spoken language. He points at things and says Adada and Dana emphatically. He has started pointing at things he wants and then pointing at himself. He is exploring all sorts of sounds, some of them derived from the alphabet, and some of them clicks, slurps and raspberry sounds. He enjoys participating in adult conversation, making eye contact and noise while grown-ups are speaking to each other.
He has also begun the transition to walking. He has worked himself up to four feet of travel on his two feet, sometimes ending in a thump to the ground and less often ending in a deliberate stop and sit. He uses all manner of props to help him stand, though every day he gets better at moving from a squatting to standing position sans help. Watching him try to walk is incredibly amusing. He giggles with a huge grin on his face while teetering along. His steps are a repetition of barely controlled mayhem: his nerves firing and muscles moving in ways he hasn't experienced before. I can see when he has decided to walk from point 'A' to point 'B', as a look of determination and excitement comes across his face and he pauses to take stalk of the situation. Then he launches himself with a squeal and giggles until he either falls or reaches his destination. Seriously, watching the little monkey try to walk is great entertainment.
He does well with solid foods. There are a couple of things he still prefers in a puree and the evening remains the worst time to introduce anything new. We have cut down on nursing to only once a day, so he gets whole cows milk to drink and to moisten his oat meal. He essentially feeds himself lunch. I made some whole wheat low sugar muffins for him that I crumble and he enjoys that with some shredded apple, cheerios and cheese sticks. That has opened up much welcomed time for me to get some work done in the kitchen.
The thing that strikes me the most lately is how incredibly different things are now compared to a year ago. So short a time has passed for so much growth and development to occur.
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